三只猫的温暖 和一个人的自言自语








May 2010 Refresh

It’s been goddamn too long since the last update. I don’t even remember what I wrote last time I was here. Well it’s not like I am legally obligated to update my blog, but here we go.

We went to the Rockies last week. I took quite a few pictures as usual, and some nice ones too. Here’s a few panoramas I stitched together (more precisely Photoshop did it; I’m just a human pushing buttons):

It's really just the side of the road. On a mountain.
It's really just the side of the road. On a mountain.



Things I’ve been doing

Ok ok I know this is long overdue. I’ve been lazy, I’ve been busy, I’ve had better days and my world right now is little lorentzy.

Sorry for my uncalibrated sense of humor, I meant chaos, but that would just ruin the perfect rhythm. In this not-so-interesting-at-all update of my recent non-digital life, I will try to make it up for you. Yes, YOU. And no, not YOU.



Inner 3

When my internal awakeness clock is out of sync with the rest of the world, disaster happens.
When my internal awakeness clock is out of sync with the rest of the world, disaster happens.

Inner 2

It does. The worst I got was a D. In a class of 5 students.
It does. The worst I got was a D. In a class of 5 students.